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A world filled with all the things that make fantasy worth reading.  A rich history has established the current world setting; the borders, the kingdoms, the set laws.  Not all are in acceptance or even in agreement with one another. 

Found Redemption
Available now on Amazon in kindle or paperback. Click the cover to order. 

500 years have passed since the fall of the Regent and Kain Whitethorn. The natural geographical boundaries of the pangaea land mass separated many of the newly freed people. The river lands developed independently of one another. They developed with their own forms of ruler ship. Different land challenges forced advances in different skills. Many attempted the mantle of rulers; few could keep the power, even fewer could keep their heads. Four powerful kingdoms emerged and have maintained a standing treaty that has been honored for the last 150 years more or less; as there will always be territory struggles but no full on wars have occurred.

To the south the oldest and most enigmatic of the four kingdoms - the Qurai nation hold their seat of power. Their kingdom was born and led the revolt that saw the Regent fall. That action granted them respect from all the lands as they gave many of their people in those battles. They returned home and ventured out very rarely, and since that time their power has never been challenged.

The north, west of the Aevurn River is where the youngest of the recognized kingdoms, the Leannes Dynasty is located. Considered just a step above barbarians by the other three kingdoms, they have shown the ability to maintain a cohesive ruler ship which is the standard of a true kingdom. Their unity has allowed them to advance to be a force to be reckoned with in the River lands.

The Ashton Empire rules with iron authority most of the north, east of the Aevurn River, staking claim all the way into the frozen waste called the breaklands. Theirs is a long history of warring and dominance in their region. Over the years they became adept at negotiation tactics as well as war. They are led by a Cero, seven senators, and the command generals. The outside world would fear them even more if all those heads looked in one direction at one time.

The midlands of the river lands both east and west of the Aevurn River are controlled by the Truestroke Kingdom. They are a pious people and view their king as god ordained. The two main cities of the kingdom were located on each side of the river controlling commerce. Lancel; the original and grandest city held Almyn's Glory the largest single structure dedicate to a god on Aerimas. Carth located on the far west bank is a power all in itself by way of their mineral mines and superior trading ports.
A growing threat heralds the possible destruction of the standing peace of the river kingdoms. Petty squabbles and bruised egos cause misguided conspiracies to launch the kingdoms to view each other with harsh and open animosity. The drums of war steadily increase their beat, but the true enemy is unseen to all. A family of brothers is drawn into the melee that will cause them to be hunted mercilessly. They will face danger, heart ache, and even death before they find redemption.

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